Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A New Type of Corporate Executive

After the crash of October 2008, the perception of global business, and global business Leaders has changed from being the leaders of economic growth, to the villains of economic destruction. Is it the end of the traditional American Corporate Executive?
After the crash of October 2008, the perception of global business, and global business Leaders has changed from being the leaders of economic growth, to the villains of economic destruction. Is it the end of the traditional American Corporate Executive?
There is no doubt that Management structures and techniques have to change. The once mighty Corporate Executive now is seen as a leader that's flawed and has benefited from their own greed, whilst passing on the responsibility to someone else.
Bankers in particular are the new villains of capitalism, when in the past they were the Kings and Queens of Global empire building. In the future, the idea that business Leaders can pass on responsibility and gain the trust of people has been destroyed.
Surviving this new crisis means that a new type of Corporate structure, and Executive will take place of the old. Bringing opportunities for former outsiders to take over the positions of the pre October 2008 Executives. This is opportunity for Middle and Higher Managers in Corporations that are not touched with the blemish of in competency and greed to move up. Like many traditional politics, the corporate World looks like it is going to be restructured, and subjected to change.
This is not the end of the Corporate Executive, rather the start of a new type of Executive. Someone whose job is to win the public's trust back, whilst restructure their Organizations to meet the challenge of a very new marketplace.
And these new Corporate Leaders will have to come from unblemished backgrounds, many may be former corporate outcasts who were sidelined in the former Corporate structure. Others new economists, who realize that accountability cannot be sidestepped by hiding behind corporate banking laws, and Lawyers.
These new decision makers, will have to accept much lower salaries, accountability for their decisions and be in the public eye more than previous Corporate Leaders. When they utter the words, sustainability, transparency, and profitability, they have to be convincing and more open than their predecessors who are the byword for greed and deception in many people’s eyes.
Their job is also to save Capitalism, because Capitalism cannot afford any more Bernie Madoff’s, if trust is going to be restored in the markets, and in Big business. Otherwise Capitalism may be reinvented, without the current role of corporations.
This means opportunity for more open and sustainable business Leaders, who will come from the ranks of middle, and higher management. 

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